Phayo, Franche-Compte, Elounda, Jum

Ghost of Travel Past?

Is still alive and kicking!
This, ladies and gents, is nothing less than Christopher Columbus’s trusty guidebook, “The Wonders of the World”, by Marco Polo, including Columbus’s  handwritten notes in the margins

Here’s our trusty guidebook. Some things never change!!
My guidebook

Ghost of Travel Present?
Well- solving health issues, and other, funner, (yes that’s a word) activities: Ciudad del Mar is not the only byname Las Palmas goes by- more about our whirl with all things culture coming soon…
Auditorio Kraus

Ghost of Travel Yet to Be? Maybe this:
“Nothing so liberalizes a man (and a woman!) and expands the kindly instincts that nature put in him as travel and contact with many kind of people” (Mark Twain)
M Regiña

Here’s to the Old and to the New and to a healthy and happy 2015
the old and the new

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