Phayo, Franche-Compte, Elounda, Jum

Bed of Roses

Proof here! The traveler lifestyle is a bed of roses….
Everything in my backpack
(I laid out all my possessions on this particular bed, plus the small-looking backpack they’re supposed to fit in to, and a box of weighty plaster dressings destined for the Swiss Laos Hospital Project  in Vientiane, LPR).

Then, two days ago, I woke from rose-tinted slumbers and felt like I’d landed in one of my all time favourite picture books- the story of a little boy who is transported to the open countryside in his bed while fast asleep. In my case  we were whisked from in Bangkok’s  motorcycle madness
Motorcycle avalanche

to the soothing greens of Udon Thani
Rural Thailand
by express sleeper train 69- Bangkok – Non Khai.

From there, the rickety local train lugged us across the mighty Mekong into Laos, and it wasn’t long before we experienced another motorcycle moment- Lao-style!
Motorcycle blessing

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