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World Wanderer
World Wanderer miscellaneous
Numbeo is an international cost of living community, providing cost of living from city to city
http://www.auswanderung.ch/ Emigration Info for Swiss citizens
http://www.seatguru.com/ Flying? Find the best- and worst- seats
http://www.seat61.com/ The Man in Seat Sixty-One . . .A worldwide guide to travel by train or ferry… Truly global, truly helpful
http://www.mapquest.com/ I like their more detailed town maps
http://www.wunderground.com/ Weather
http://www.geo-reisecommunity.de/klimadaten Detailed climate data, monthly median temperatures, rainfall, sunshine from just about everywhere. Great for a first when to go overview. German
Hotel and Guesthouse Booking and Reviews we use
http://www.agoda.com/ Booking and reviews especially SE Asia
http://www.hotelagent.org/ Hotel meta search
https://www.room77.com/#/ Hotel meta search
We stay away from Trip Advisor Reviews if at all possible, but sometimes use the forums
Travelguides miscellaneous
http://www.travelfish.org/ The very best for SE Asia
You will often find more destination-specific info on travel forums or in facebook groups
and lots and lots of young’uns of fluctuating ability. Know that most bloggers nowadays don’t say no to comped stuff, but “their opinion is there own”.