Phayo, Franche-Compte, Elounda, Jum

Myanmar’s Greatest Treasure

I’m putting these random pictures up, to honor at least a few of the wonderful people we got to spend time with in Myanmar: Unforgettably vibrant youngsters….




Welcoming Child

Little Showman

New acquaintances, generous with their time and their smiles…..

Sharing fresh coconut juice-

coconut picking

coconut opening

and a few stories….

Raffa and friend

This beautiful girl, who was scrubbing fishing nets, loved it that we noticed her lipstick

sweet girl

And this unassuming lady, who shared our lunch, dearly wanted a photo, but ended up being frightened by her own courage….


And here’s to our little band of travelers:

Hans: Food and Beverage Supervisor

Food and BeverageSupervisor

M: Chief Financial Officer/ Photographer


Raffa: Entertainment Manager

Entertainment Manager

Regina: Director of Operations

Regina blogging

 Thanks for sharing our stay in Burma with us.

Us- after the trip

4 Responses to Myanmar’s Greatest Treasure

  1. March 22, 2013 at 20:38
    Lilian Zanetti says:

    Beruehrende Fotos…Ach wie gaern waer ich au da mit eu….
    Aber irgendwo, irgendwann in der grossen weiten Welt treffen wir uns

    Baci a tutti

    • Vermisse diese speziellen Begegnungen schon jetzt! Aber dich auch! R

    • March 27, 2013 at 12:45
      Paul Davie says:

      Hi Andi thanks for the postcard looks like you guys are having a really good time. I shall keep a good eye on your website. Enjoy life Paul Jackie and family

      • Andy says: Hey, es isch lässig vo dir z’ghöre. Jetzt hanni dini Mail Adrässä und cha mal schriibe.
        R. says: Danke für dr Bsuech, lueg doch widder emal verbii.
        Mir wünschet eu- und allne i dr Schwiiz- dr FRÜEHLIG!!

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